Exposing the corruption of halal certification in Australia. Bonus keywords: scam, rort Meanwhile, the the Halal Certification Authority is infiltrating both the pharmaceuticals and cosmetics industries.

In 2017, Mohamed El-Mouelhy, the director of the Halal Certification Authority, sued senior members of the Melbourne-based Q Society and Kirralie Smith, who runs the website HalalChoices.

"When you make false exaggerations I have every right to sue and sue everybody that has supported her and paid for her video," he said.

But for Ms Smith and her supporters it is a matter of free speech, and she is now counter-suing Mr El-Mouelhy.

"There have been ongoing social media posts that are defamatory to us, and we see that is the best way to bring these issues to the public," she said.

"He says he can back up his claims that I'm a racist and a bigot, and we'll see whether he can.

"But I'm pretty confident I'm not a racist or a bigot. I'm simply criticising an ideology, I'm not criticising a people, group or an individual."

Defamation lawyer Jeremy Zimet said the online space was quickly emerging as a new frontier for defamation cases.

"It's important for observers to realise that there are consequences for posting publications online, whether it's on social media or review sites," he said.

"In light of the above apology Mr El-Mouehly withdraws the comments he made about the Q Society, its board members and Kinalie Smith in response to their publications."

It's the exact same thing the The Halal Food Authority is doing with Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen in the UK.

halal certification,