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Disclosure: I went with Bioderma to Cannes for part of my trip. PR samples and gifted products (mostly from Nadine Baggott!) are marked.
Nadine's YouTube channel:
My chat with Nadine:
Powered By Chemicals Mugs:
My amazing Herschel Pop Quiz bag of holding: (affiliate link - anything else you buy after clicking through will also give me a kickback, thank you if you decide to use it!)
Lab Muffin Beauty Science is a channel by me, Michelle - I'm a chemistry PhD and beauty lover, here to explain how beauty products work, debunk myths, and help you make smarter decisions about your skincare, hair and makeup!
Want smooth, glowing skin? Grab a copy of my FREE Essential Guide to Exfoliation!
The Lab Muffin Guide to Basic Skincare is here! Find out more: