1) SHELL LOADS :- Display menu --) Load Assigns --) Shell command to access the Show Shell Loads form, which has the following options:
Load Pattern drop-down list. Choose the load case whose shell loads are to be displayed.
Load Type options. Choose the type of load to be displayed. Only one load type can be displayed at a time.
Uniform Load Values option. The uniform surface load on a shell object. If this option is chosen, also specify the loading direction (e.g., gravity, Local 1, Local 2 and so on) for the loads by choosing a direction from the Direction drop-down list.
Display menu --) Load Assigns --) Frame command to access the Show Frame Loads form, which has the following options:
Load Pattern drop-down list. Choose the load pattern whose frame loads are to be displayed.
Load Type options. Choose the type of load to be displayed. Only one load type can be displayed at a time. Also, if a load type is unavailable (grayed out), that type of load has not been assigned for the load pattern selected.
Span Loading Applied Directly to the Frame Object (Forces) option. Includes all of the point, uniform and trapezoidal force loads (not moment loads) applied to the frame object.
Span Loading Applied Directly to the Frame Object (Moments) option. Includes all of the point, uniform and trapezoidal moment loads applied to the frame object.
All Loading that is Tributary to the Frame Object (Forces) option. Displays the calculated point, uniform and trapezoidal loads tributary to the frame object.
All Loading that is Tributary to the Frame Object (Moments) option. Displays the calculated point, uniform and trapezoidal moment loads tributary to the frame object.
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ASCE 7-16 Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures
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