
Benghazi Hero Cuts Hillary Down to Size

Benghazi Hero Cuts Hillary Down to Size Benghazi Hero Cuts Hillary Down to Size Hillary Clinton’s attempt to cut the president down to size on social media only served to leave herself wide open to harsh criticisms of her own questionable and disgraceful actions in the past. Linking to a New York Times article about the possible military pardons, Clinton tweeted, “This is grotesque.” What was really “grotesque” was how then-Secretary Clinton had handled the deadly 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, which resulted in the deaths of four American citizens — Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods. One of the heroes from the Benghazi terrorist attack — former military combat veteran turned private security contractor Mark Geist — tweeted his own criticism of Clinton’s “grotesque” tweet. And to think, had you done your job I wouldn’t have had to testify in Federal court today in the trial of Mustafa Al-imam. But I’m guessing you have zero clue as to who he is. Let me remind you. He is accused of being involved in the deaths of 4 Americans #Benghazi #13hours In a separate post from Geist, he revealed how his testimony against the accused terrorist had been “long awaited.” A long awaited day being able to share the events of #Benghazi and the tough tenacity of Rone and Bub. My friends, my teammates and fellow defenders of our great country. #justice #America #TyroneWoods #GlennDoherty

Benghazi,Hillary Clinton,

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