Check out trending beauty lifehacks that will change your life:
- Watch our tutorial and try facial massage that will help you to lose fat and get rid of double chin and chubby cheeks
- Use charcoal to whiten your teeth and get rid of stains from long-term black tea and coffee consumption
- Make black bath bombs using baking soda, activated charcoal, citric acid, and aroma oils. This bath rejuvenates the skin
- Check out a DIY remedy made from activated charcoal and honey that will help you to lighten underarm skin in a short period of time
- If you are a blond girl but what to change your color and become a brunette, try our recipe of natural hair dye: mix aloe vera gel with charcoal, flaxseed and hot water. Apply this mixture, wear a shower cap and wait for two hours
- Try the most popular mask made from charcoal is a mask for blackheads. This mask requires only two ingredients charcoal powder and PVA glue. Try this incredible recipe and your skin will be clear
- Try a great recipe against stretched marks – mix Aloe Vera and coconut oil. Use for 3 months you get the result
- Try a perfect recipe for hair growth. You will need an onion, Aloe Vera, coconut oil. Cut the aloe vera, boil for 5 minutes in coconut oil and pour to the sprayer, add onion juice
- Hands also need daily care and you can make hands scrub at home. Mix sea salt, olive oil, orange zest, and lemon juice
- Most the people with sensitive skin prefer natural handmade deodorants because they are free of aluminum and other chemicals like parabens and artificial fragrances. Watch our video till the end to find an easy recipe of natural deodorant
01:03 Aloe vera for stretched marks
03:12 Hair growth mask
06:29 Beauty recipes with charcoal
07:50 Natural hair dye
16:09 Homemade scrub for hands
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