What's up guys, back with Episode 560 of our Fortnite Fails & Funny Moments! In todays we have put together some of the funniest Fortnite moments including wtf moments to funny fails! Can we smash 40,000 likes for Episode 561 Tomorrow!? Subscribe & join the road to 11Mil subs -
Send your Fortnite clips to - SubmitToBCC@gmail.com
Here's Episode 559 of Fortnite Funny Fails, WTF Moments & Epic Kills if you haven't seen it!
Thanks to everyone who was a part of todays video. You can find
these awesome people below for more amazing Fortnite content:
CronicGamerZ -
Tfue -
Ninja -
KoopTrain -
Killstreaker FTW -
Long_live_jah -
Bakedpotatowrap -
Koen388 -
Viiinii -
HapmerzTV -
Jake Nesbitt -
Trxizq -
GpK Vibez -
XxHyper_PlayZxX -
Exoctics -
black_chrisi_HD -
Luke Eaton -
Kryptical -
Ali A Bully -
Mister Kroos -
Hi im frost -
Futez -
Jack Pearson -
bulliedrays -
Nikotchu -
Logan Holmes -
(First Song) MBB - Good Vibes
(Second Song) MBB - Waves
How to submit your videos & Fortnite clips to BCC:
1) Upload your video to Youtube or Twitch
2) Send the link of your clip to this email:
( SubmitToBCC@gmail.com )
We will then watch the clip you've sent us and if we like it, we will feature it in a future BCC Trolling video!
3) A submission/Fortnite clip should be at least 10 seconds long. We will NOT accept any submissions below 10 seconds.
4) That's it!
Don't forget to follow us on twitter :)
If you haven't subscribed already, remember to subscribe for the best gaming content :)