It took many thousands of hours of work to prepare, upload, and to record my life and the resulting videos are archived here, on this site, in a haphazard order, with no consistency. Enjoy figuring out which video is when and where.
I believe when it comes to the diveristy of the various insights, in the many different locations settings, there is no one that has more diverse content regardless of how you feel about that content, anywhere on youtube, period.
In no way am I ashamed over my struggles, anger, happiness, inspiration, or any other emotional that I expressed as a human who was born on a planet we call Earth. I will not be accepting judgements or projections to the value of such experiences from any person including you, but you are free to watch for your own entertainment, enjoyment, or learning. You could do much worse in your life than to retrace my struggles and situations, and to share how you personally have triumphed where I have possibly not done so well in those situations.
If you would like to GIFT me money, and you have such money to spare, please feel free to send me some here at this like. I might buy food with that money, beer, material things, petroleum products, or just use it to make more videos.
Thank you for taking the time to socially interact with my video creation.