
Pastor Alph Lukau | Elliot Moyo Resurrection FRAUD Expose Christians SHALLOWNESS, LACK Of Maturity!

Pastor Alph Lukau | Elliot Moyo Resurrection FRAUD Expose Christians SHALLOWNESS, LACK Of Maturity! Pastor Alph Lukau and Elliot Moyo Resurrection FRAUD Expose Christians SHALLOWNESS, LACK Of Maturity!

Pastor Alph Lukau and Elliot Moyo Resurrection: Two people have appeared at the Johannesburg Magistrate’s Court, over the resurrection of man who was supposedly brought back to life by Pastor Alph Lukau.

The matter has been postponed to April 26 2019. #eNCA!

Metro TV News says the way Christians responded to the Pastor Alph Lukau and the Elliot Resurrection fraud shows us just how shallow many professing Christians are - The phrase touch not is overrated and misunderstood by many!

This video shows us that giving negative comments, shallow comments to a person just reporting NEWS is not the best way to DEFEND A PROPHET - sometimes Christians should provide facts to SUPPORT their pastors and SERVANTS OF GOD. We make it clear that we report on NEWS as it comes ... since we are an ONLINE SOURCE.

Christians who fail to tangible SUPPORT their pastors expose their SHALLOWNESS to the secular CRITICS.

Psalm 105:15 is one of the Scriptures most taken out of context in the Bible. Many have invoked the passage, "Do not touch my anointed ones, and do no harm to my prophets" as a means of skirting accountability for false teaching and for sin.

Unwittingly, Metro TV News has been guilty of callously spewing this scripture in the past to defend certain preachers. Metro TV News did not do it because of defiance or an attitude of superiority, but because of it's own biblical ignorance. Metro TV News simply did not know the Word of God. Recently, Metro TV News has repented and taken great steps to correct this.

Unfortunately, Metro TV News is not the only one who ever has committed the error of misrepresenting Psalm 105:15. We are sure each time someone does, it grieves the heart of God.

When you scrutinize someone, please make sure it's with

1. Godly intent about his or her teaching, and

2. Not against the person themselves (We have NEVER SPOKEN BADLY ABOUT A PASTOR). Metro TV News read many examples—especially on message boards—where a preacher's character is maligned because of something he or she taught or is NOT teaching (We speak of one preacher in particular who gets dragged through the mud. Metro TV News says won't mention him by name, but you all know him well). That is where people fail to take care when they "touch God's anointed." Their words are simply malicious.

And, malicious intent against anyone, much less God's anointed, isn't without its consequences.

So what should Christ followers do when they find themselves in disagreement with someone in the ministry? At least these three things:

Make sure that what you are disagreeing with is something that a person actually said. I've seen a lot of people comment on things they don't even investigate and simply assume it's true because they read something somewhere or heard it from someone else.

Most importantly, check it against Scripture. This is the ultimate test.

Don't go off half-cocked and rebuke anybody at a time in any place—most specifically on the Internet—when you disagree with someone. Try everything in your power to contact the person and have them or a representative explain themselves. Matthew 18 verses 15 to 16 says, "Now if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, then take with you one or two others, that by the testimony of two or three witnesses every word may be established" (MEV).

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