Are you struggling with debt and saving money? Do you find that at the end of the month, there is more month than money? Does your family need and want more out of life than you can financially afford? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this audiobook is for you.
Learn how Jack Gray, a successful and ambitious entrepreneur with an MBA, hit rock bottom financially but turned it all around and gained more wealth than he ever dreamed within just a few months! He now spends his time sharing the tools and strategies he created to live his financial dreams. Here's a sneak peek at what you'll learn:
How to achieve financial peace of mind
How to no longer live paycheck to paycheck
The real importance of saving and budgeting
Top money management software programs
Top mistakes in budgeting
Tips on how to repair your credit
Moneymaking tips
Twenty principles of financial abundance (bonus)
And much more!