In today's episode, I'm continuing through the Pokémon Generations! This time, we're looking at the third Generation, more specifically, the enhanced re-release Pokémon Emerald! It's new territory for me, so did I miss out?
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#Pokémon #Nintendo #PokémonEmerald
Somecallmejohnny,Somecallmejohnny Video,Somecallmejohnny Review,Johnny vs,Video Game Review,Somecallmejohnny Pokemon,SomecallmeJohnny Pokémon,Somecallmejohnny Pokémon Emerald,Somecallmejohnny Pokémon Generation III,Johnny vs. Pokémon,Johnny vs. Pokémon Emerald,Johnny vs. Pokémon Generation Three,Pokémon,Pokémon Emerald,Pokémon Generation Three,