
Forgive Yourself & Others: Cleanse, Clear and Activate Your SACRAL Chakra

Forgive Yourself & Others: Cleanse, Clear and Activate Your SACRAL Chakra Hello my loves, welcome back to another meditative Sunday! We are back to working on our chakras with the second chakra - the Sacral. This one is so important because it deals with our creativity, sexuality, and our ability to forgive ourselves and others.

Without clearing out our first 3 bottom chakras, we can't get to the higher ones - and we want to get to the higher ones because we want to live from our heart and vibrate higher. We want to radiate love, joy, compassion and bliss.

Follow along as we cleanse out our creativity centers together and become better versions of ourselves. Do this meditation as often as you need, even just the guided part, until the next chakra.

You will know when you've fully cleaned it out. It took me just one time!

Here are the affirmations: The sweetness of life flows through me and I radiate its joy.

I allow peace of mind into my life.

I radically forgive other people for things they may have done to me in the past.

I radically forgive myself for things I have done to myself and to others in the past.

I let go of worry, guilt, and blame - they are emotions that stem from a past version of me.

I am a better version of me every single day, and I am allowed to grow and transcend.

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Are you ready to love yourself like never before?

Are you ready to manifest real, true love into your life?

♥Love Mastery Program: Attracting “The One”

→ Discover unconditional self-love
→ Live your absolute best life
→ Attract the love of your life
→ Build a strong, committed, powerful and fulfilling relationship
♥ Tested methods to use the Law of Attraction to manifest your soulmate.

More videos

Law of Attraction 101:

Stop Worrying & Start LIVING!:

Change Your Appearance with the Law of Attraction:

Manifest Love & Attract a Relationship:

How to Raise Your Vibration:

How to Detach:

How to Reprogram Your Mind:

Intro to Alignment:

→ Book recommendations:

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Ask and It Is Given by Esther & Jerry Hicks
The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
The Game of Life and How to Play it by Florence Scovel Shinn
The Tao of Pooh

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This video and all videos on this channel are a means of social support. I have no professional training in life coaching. I simply talk about the things I’ve learned that have personally made my life better.

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