
2 Ways to Weigh Your RV and Why It's Important | RV Texas Y'all

2 Ways to Weigh Your RV and Why It's Important | RV Texas Y'all In this video, we share the most important RV tip we've ever shared with you: get your RV weighed! Whether you have a travel trailer, truck camper, fifth-wheel or motorhome, knowing the weight of your RV makes you safer on the road and gives you peace of mind. When you know your actual weight, fully loaded as you normally travel, you can adjust the air pressure in your tires to the manufacturer's specifications to lessen your chance of a blowout or other tire issues. If you find out you are overweight for your tires or chassis recommendations, you can downsize what you carry to make your RV safer. Or if you find you are okay with weight, but off balance (too heavy on one side for example), you can move things around.

We take you along as we get our RV and Jeep weighed using two different methods: the SmartWeigh system at Escapees and a truck stop CAT scale. We'll show you how each weighing method works and the pros and cons of each. However you choose to do it, please get your RV weighed!

Mentioned in this video:
SmartWeigh by Escapees:
CAT Scale Network:

Tire Load and Inflation Charts and More Tire Info from Escapees:

TireMinder A1A Tire Pressure Monitoring System:
We bought our TireMinder TPMS several years ago. We have sensors installed on all 6 of our motorhome tires and all of our Jeep tires. While it does give us false signals every now and then (particularly when a sensor battery needs to be replaced), overall it has worked very well over the years we have owned it. It monitors both the air pressure and temperature of each tire at all times and alerts us to anything out of normal range so we can pull over and check it out. We highly recommend getting a tire pressure monitoring system. We feel a lot safer on the road since we installed ours.

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Safe Travels and Happy Camping!

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